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Policy Statement

ERT welcomes people from diverse backgrounds in its commitment to develop their knowledge and skills to their full potential. We are committed to a working environment which provides equal and fair opportunity for regardless of gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, race, colour, religion, belief, disability, mental status, and age, national or ethnic status.

We will encourage high performance and cooperation from individuals, whilst recognising and accepting needs and differences. We will utilise the talents of a diverse workforce to maximise the performance of the company.

We will strive to ensure that the company is free of harassment and bullying and that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

Aims of the policy

  • To challenge inequality, prejudice and discrimination against learners, clients and employees, from other employers, or members of the public.
  • To notify staff and learners that reasonable adjustments will be made to meet learning and working arrangements to ensure equal access for those with different needs.
  • To establish and use good practice in promoting and booking courses, in the development and dissemination of learning materials, in the writing and dissemination of health and safety documentation within the Group.
  • To establish and use good practice when communicating with clients, and their staff learners and fellow and potential employees.
  • To identify and use a method of recording and monitoring the ethnic, gender and disability composition of our workforce and our learners.

Responsibilities of the Manager

  • To ensure that all staff and learners are treated without discrimination according to the details and the spirit of this policy.
  • To monitor the Groups actual compliance with the policy through the Self Assessment Report and to ensure that any identified actions are carried through.
  • To act as chairman in the disciplinary or grievance process where a learner or employee has failed to comply with the responsibilities outlined in this policy.
  • To maintain an up to date Equality and Diversity Policy that reflects equal opportunities law.

Company Responsibilities

  • We will monitor the ethnic and gender composition of our existing workforce and learners.
  • We will monitor people with disabilities and learning needs within the same groups. We will report our findings through the yearly Self Assessment Report and via this process identify any actions that need to be taken in order to identify any problems.
  • We will provide an employee training programme so that everyone within the company understands their rights and responsibilities and what they can do to create an environment free of bullying and harassment.
  • We will inform learners of the appeals procedure at the start of their training so that if they feel they are being discriminated against they understand how to make a complaint or a suggestion for improvement. These will be monitored and reported via the Self Assessment Report along with any identified actions that are needed.
  • Ensure that during the recruitment process each candidate receives equal treatment.
  • We will review the effect of our working practices annually and whether these could be considered discriminatory. This includes the number of hours to be worked, the times of working and the places at which the work is carried out.
  • Acts of discrimination, bullying, harassment or victimisation against employees, learnersor customers are treated as disciplinary offences and are dealt with under the Group’s disciplinary and grievance procedure.
  • Any marketing, course information, training material, information produced for customers will be accessible, impartial and free from bias or stereotypes.
  • Booking forms will allow learners with disabilities, learning difficulties or for whom English is not a first language to provide information about their needs.Reasonable adjustments will be made to meet their needs.
  • We will review all company policies and procedures to ensure that they do notcontravenethe Equality and Diversity Policy, whilst ensuring that health and safetyare not compromised.

Staff responsibilities

  • To identify any issues relating to discrimination, harassment, bullying or
    victimisation whether to themselves or to our customers and report them to
    the Manager.
  • To attend training relating to the implementation of this policy and to comply
    with its guidance and the spirit with which it is meant to be applied – to
    create an agreeable and productive working and learning environment.

Harassment Procedure

The Group has a zero tolerance policy to sexual harassment. If you feel there is a problem with harassment please report it immediately to a member of staff.